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With a complete regimen made using expertise of dermatologists and the power of AI

With a complete regimen made using expertise of dermatologists and the power of AI

Shifting focus from ‘skincare’ to ‘skin health’

At Cureskin, we studied skin in detail and realized healthy skin and hair are a reflection of several factors — like health, mental well-being, nutrition, and environmental factors. Hence, applying a few random products to give your skin and hair the care it deserves is not enough.

Healthy skin and hair need an expertise-backed and carefully personalized routine. One that is created by experienced dermatologists and focuses on individual skin needs, concerns, and lifestyle. An offering that is available exclusively within the Cureskin app.

Employing the power of AI for skin & hair analysis

Our app’s innovative AI technology examines your skin and hair for over 400 different conditions. Drawing data from 12 million previous cases embedded into its deep learning infrastructure.

Powered by artificial intelligence: Deep learning based image recognition

Instant Skin Analysis: Get results in milli-seconds

Dermatologist grade accuracy for skin issues like acne, post-acne & pigmentation concerns

Guaranteeing specialised care of the experts

After the AI plays its supporting role, our team of 100+ dermatologists creates a personalised regimen. These dermatologists hold experience in both curing and correcting mild to acute problems and giving efficient care solutions for the overall maintenance of skin and hair health. Presently, they are providing continuous monthly care to over 17 Lakh customers in our app.

Restoring skin health with holistic care

1. Skin & Hair Regimen

Clinically-tested ingredients and customised products to ensure you get visible results.

2. Nutritional Diet Plan

Complimentary meal plans to make sure your daily diet contains food that boosts your skin & hair health.

3. Lifestyle Guidance By Experts

Tips to lead a healthy, hygienic, and stress-free life so that you glow from within.

4. Regular Doctor Checkups

Free routine checkups with a Cureskin doctor to measure your skin & hair progress in detail.

Better skin each day
leads to great skin for life

And the best way to achieve it is by following a holistic approach. That’s why our experts combine the right products best suited for your skin and hair with a proper diet plan, essential lifestyle changes, and regular dermatologist guidance. A comprehensive yet simplified solution, which is offered only after a successful assessment of your skin & hair condition by an assigned Cureskin dermatologist.

Our dermatologists + 50 million case studies
= A personalized regimen that won’t let you down

Experience Cureskin and restore your skin & hair health

Our app’s innovative AI technology examines your skin and hair for over 400 different conditions. Drawing data from 12 million previous cases embedded into its deep learning infrastructure.

Real skin & hair results